I tend to be one of those people who makes resolutions and keeps them for about a week. Lose weight, quit drinking pop, stop biting my nails, etc. So, we'll see how this one goes, but I am going to try to post to this blog more this year. I won't have my Critical Approaches class as an outlet for museum-y thinking, and this year may prove to be very interesting for me.
So, what does Sarah's year hold?
Opening TCM's newest traveler - an interesting chance to be both vendor and client. It's always gratifying to see your colleagues hard work realized.
A new welcome center and a new permanent exhibit - in light of a recent project on space and comfort in museums, I'll be interested in how the new space works for us.
A revision of our holiday exhibit - how do you do a holiday exhibit that includes Santa but isnt about Christmas? And, can two Catholics, a non-descript Theist, a Jew and two Atheists create a holiday show? We'll see, eh?
A soon to be announced exhibit that has me tickled pink. :)
And Tut. Oh Tut.
This will be our first blockbuster exhibit experience. Its been fascinating so far, looking at the machine of the blockbuster. I'm looking forward to posting on the process and what I am learning.
I'm also planning to visit some big exhibits this year, including the Harry Potter exhibit in Chicago. Look for reviews as I can. Its always difficult for me to do a real review of an exhibit, especially one that we might be bringing in - or one created by a company we might want to work with. I'm trying to work on being honest yet positive.
That's all for now. Happy New Year everyone!
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