Thursday, March 12, 2009

So, two kitty cats teach us about museums. Honest, scathing, cruel and wonderful. Probably overly general and a little mean, but it's a really good look at the museum as a temple.

I wish I knew how to embed video, but trust me, this link is worth clicking on. The title of the report"The Creation of Value: meditations on the logic of museums and other coercive institutions." 



Sea-of-Green said...

Hey, Sarah --

I haven't seen anything on the news about the Children's Museum having difficulties, but my family visited the museum Saturday and it was PACKED. It was also PACKED on Valentine's Day, with lots of people at the membership desk looking to sign up for annual memberships. Given the economy, I certainly wasn't expecting the crowds I've been seeing!

Sarah said...

Funny you should mention! I'm considering another post about that very topic. Its an interesting time for us, budgets are being slashed, due to drops in endowments and giving, but attendance is going up. And, we aren't spending more on exhibits or marketing. What a concept!

We've had our best March in ages - possibly the best on record. I'm not sure what to attribute it to yet, but I'll take it!

Sea-of-Green said...

I'd attribute it to the fact that people are less willing to travel, so they're looking for attractions closer to home. I know a LOT of people who are visiting the local museums for the first time in YEARS. I keep hearing the same thing: "I've always liked the (fill-in-the-blank) museum, but I just haven't had time/been able to visit it until recently!"